Please join us on Saturday, July 15 at 9:00 in the Fellowship Hall for our quarterly group CookAthon event! We should be done by 10:30.
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Our SUMMER program is off to a great start. The children are enjoying the slightly more relaxed pace and our school-aged group is out and about on field trips most days. Water days are a weekly treat for most classes.
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Many thanks to our wonderful Providence Musicians for the beautiful Worship music throughout the school year. I appreciate so much your talent, your good work and dedication, and your fun personalities. You are my stars!!
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Here we are at the beginning of what has been a relatively cool run-up to summer. But this is Columbia, SC, and the heat is certainly on the way. Summer is always a busy season, but the busy-ness is different. For these few weeks activities move outside, kids are out of school, and many of us try to get away for a vacation.
Read MoreChristian Education
Congratulations Class of 2023! Christopher Bragan, Jr. will be graduating from Gray Collegiate Academy with high honors and GPA of 4.303.
Read MoreThe Providence Presbyterian Women again is supporting Presbyterian (USA) Missions by donating $100 to each of these projects:
Read MoreI hope that all of you had a good Easter Day. Of course, the season of Easter continues through May, until the Day of Pentecost, which is May 28 this year.
Read MoreChristian Education
If you didn’t make it to church this past Sunday, April 23th you missed a great day. One of my most favorite Sundays, a Baptism Sunday.
Read MoreDear Friends,
Every year Easter is wonderful, but this year I think it was especially so. We begin the path to Easter on Ash Wednesday when the imposition of the ashes reminds us of our mortality.
Read MoreA Walk through Holy Week
Join us in preparation for the resurrection as we walk through the final days Jesus took here on earth.
Read MorePresbyterian Women recently made snack bags for all the CDC Children.
Read MoreI hope that all of you had a good Easter Day. Of course, the season of Easter continues through May, until the Day of Pentecost, which is May 28 this year.
Read MoreWhat could be more fun this spring than a big Cinco de Mayo party? On Friday May 5th, Providence will be hosting a community celebration featuring one of the area’s most popular food trucks, La Cochinita!
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Beatitude Book Club
Looking for more peace in your life, and the blessing of being with other women who share that same goal? Join us for the Beatitude Book Club, an in-home gathering that starts on Tuesday, March 28 at 6:30 pm.
Read MoreChristian Education
March is here folks. As we continue to celebrate Lent anticipating Easter Sunday the time will change back to Daylight Savings, St. Patrick’s Day will be celebrated, and we will begin preparing for the One Great Hour of Sharing offering.
Read MoreProvidence MOC connects men of all ages to each other, to our community, and to the risen Lord as we grow through study and in service to His kingdom.
Read MoreDear Friends,
The world seems to be a pretty uncomfortable place these days. Nations are busily posturing against each other with the voices and hardware of war as voices are raised in anger with each side to the conflict claiming the righteous ground and pointing to the other as the aggressor.
Read MoreDear Friends,
Please accept my deepest thanks for your participation in Bethany’s Gift for 2022. Your gifts made possible a very generous gift from Providence to the PICU Family Room at MUSC Children’s Hospital.
Read MoreOur PPCDC family might be experiencing a bit of SPRING FEVER! The children have enjoyed the recent warm days and are looking forward to more. The children just finished a unit on dinosaurs and we all enjoyed watching them learn!
Our 4K visited Presbyterian Communities again where they made a shamrock craft. Kidfit is back at PPCDC two times a month and the children are thoroughly enjoying this activity. Hearing the children recite the books of the Bible during Wednesday morning chapel is a real treat! They are already up to John 3. Our children are getting excited about Valentines! They have been busy working on various activities and decorating doors.
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