Our children are getting excited about Valentines! They have been busy working on various activities and decorating doors.
Read MoreShrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is Back!
The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is here again, giving all of us the opportunity to dig into a warm stack of golden goodness! This year’s event is Tuesday, February 21, 5:30 – 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Read MoreIt’s interesting how much some of the feasts and Holy days of our Christian traditions are tied to the movements of celestial bodies. The Bible has several references to them, perhaps the most significant of which is the star that guided the Magi to Bethlehem.
Read MoreThe holidays were filled with joy and happy children here at PPCDC. As we embark on this fresh new year, the children are settling in nicely to the post-holiday routine.
Read MoreHappy New Year, everyone! I hope that you had happy Advent and Christmas seasons.
Read MoreAdvent —check! Christmas — check! Epiphany — check! What is next?
Read MoreThis morning the weatherman on the morning news was all excited about the stormy conditions we were going to see later in the day. He had the radar doing the ‘future cast’, which showed just when the line of storms would come through and just how intense they would be.
Read MoreChristmas comes on Sunday this year. It happens every so often … and I’m sure there is a formula, which takes into account the occurrence of Leap Year, which one can use to determine the frequency of December 25th falling on a Sunday.
Read MorePickles, Spiders, Candy Canes and Christmas
No, I haven't lost my marbles. While going through my Advent and Christmas files I came across several Christmas legends that I want to share with you.
Read MoreWishing all of you a blessed and holy Advent, as we wait for the coming of our Immanuel.
Read MoreThanksgiving has come and gone and the children and staff at PPCDC are cheerfully embracing the holiday spirit!
Read MoreJoin us for our Advent Festival!!
Read MoreTrunk R Treat was so much fun! Our PPCDC families had a T-riffic time and really felt welcomed. I heard so many compliments about the wooded area used for the festivities this year.
Read MoreEach Wednesday we gather the kids of the Child Development Center together in the sanctuary at 10:00 AM for Chapel. We sing songs, recite the books of the New Testament adding one book each week, and then we pray. My part of the prayer is very short. The kids do most of the praying, and they pray a very specific kind of prayer.
Read MoreThis coming Sunday (November 6) is All Saints’ Sunday when we will welcome the wonderful bagpiper, Glen Adams. It is always a pleasure to have Glen join us.
Read More2022 THANK OFFERING - In 2022 the Creative Ministries Offering Committee of Presbyterian Women reviewed 24 Thank Offering applications and selected 10 projects for funding.
Read MoreA week or so ago Debbie Pardue told me that there were Thornwell Turkeys on my desk in the church office. When I saw them a childhood memory came rushing back to me. I remember filling up Thornwell Tom the Turkey banks when I was a kid.
Read MoreDon’t forget to wish a big ole HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following people this month!
Read MoreOne of the things we were graded on in elementary school was conduct. It had its own set of behaviors, like ‘speaks only when spoken to’ or ‘keeps desk clean’, which were checked either ‘satisfactory’ or ‘unsatisfactory’ by my teacher, Mrs. Arnesby. Her check marks determined my grade in conduct.
Read MoreGreetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I’m writing to you all today at the conclusion of Mental Illness Awareness Week. Mental Health is very important to all of us. Many of us have struggled the last several years dealing with the effects of the Covid Pandemic.
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