Christian Education

Congratulations Class of 2023! 


Christopher Bragan, Jr. will be graduating from Gray Collegiate Academy with high honors and GPA of 4.303.  Christopher has been an active member of Providence’s Youth Group, never missing an Easter Egg Hunt. He has served as a youth representative on the church’s Vital Congregation Initiative Committee. As a student at Gray, he ran Cross Country for 3 years and was the Treasurer for the National Honor Society.  He will be attending the University of South Florida – Tampa. Christopher plans to major in computer engineering.  

The youth and young adults of Providence are looking for summer adventures.  If you would like to host this group at your home this summer please be in touch with Rosie Robinson.  Here are some ideas: cookout with yard games; swimming party; group outing to the lake or river; movie night under the stars.  

Summer has unofficially begun and I wish everyone safe travel and time together with your families.  It will be September before we know it and our Fall programing at the church will begin again.   

Blessing to you and your family, 

Rosie Robinson
