From the Study

Dear Friends,

            Here we are at the beginning of what has been a relatively cool run-up to summer. But this is Columbia, SC, and the heat is certainly on the way. Summer is always a busy season, but the busy-ness is different. For these few weeks activities move outside, kids are out of school, and many of us try to get away for a vacation. And even though this is a season to take a break, this time of recreation can be busier than the other three. Many of us work very hard at relaxing. Try to build some rest into the summer schedule.

            Jesus is our example in life and he deliberately found a quiet place away from the day by day demands of life. In the 4th Chapter of Luke Jesus goes to a solitary place after performing lots of cures just before he calls his first disciples. In the 1st Chapter of Mark he does the same thing under similar circumstances, and the text says, “there he prayed.” All the accounts of the Transfiguration show us Jesus going off with his disciples to this lonely place where he is transfigured. And in the last days of his life in the flesh he finds the solitude of the Garden of Gethsemane … again, to pray.

            The world demands much of all of us. And to continue to respond to those demands without a brief rest takes its toll on us both physically and spiritually. Our culture teaches us that our worth is measured in productivity, and it is easy to see these ‘times away’ as nonproductive time. The reality is that stopping to catch our breath makes us more productive after the break than we would have been without it. It is also true that God finds his way to us more easily when he doesn’t have to compete with deadlines and cell phones and computers.

            I hope we can all find some time to go to a quiet place this summer. While you are away, please keep your giving on schedule. We may take vacations, but the bills do not.

Follow the example of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Rest, pray, be safe, and worship. Nine AM worship serves two purposes. The first is so that any who wish to do so, may receive the sacrament more often than monthly at 11 AM worship. The second is so that any who have a full summertime Sunday scheduled may still come and worship … and then get on with the day.

Grace and peace,

