Christian Education
March is here folks. As we continue to celebrate Lent anticipating Easter Sunday the time will change back to Daylight Savings, St. Patrick’s Day will be celebrated, and we will begin preparing for the One Great Hour of Sharing offering.
For over 70 years, One Great Hour of Sharing has provided Presbyterians a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world. Millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. There are three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Presbyterian Hunger Program
Self-Development of People
All work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.
Providence’s participation in the One Great Hour of Sharing begins with the distribution of the One Great Hour of Sharing fish banks on March 5th. Be sure to pick yours up and start collecting your spare change and bring your full fish bank to church Easter Sunday.
Activities To Keep On Your Calendar
March 5
9:45 Youth Group/ Young Adult Coffee House in Old Fellowship Hall
9:45 Adult Sunday School in New Fellowship Hall
9:45 Pre-school – 5th grade Sunday School in the Nursery Wing
12:12 Providence Youth/Young Adults @ 12:12
March 12
9:45 Youth Group / Young Adult Coffee House in Old Fellowship Hall
9:45 Sunday School in New Fellowship Hall
9:45 Pre-school – 5th grade Sunday School in the Nursery Wing
12:12 Providence Youth/Young Adults @ 12:12
March 19
9:45 Youth Group / Young Adult Coffee House in Old Fellowship Hall
9:45 Adult Sunday School in New Fellowship Hall
9:45 Pre-school – 5th grade Sunday School in the Nursery Wing
12:12 Providence Youth/Young Adults @ 12:12 Holy Casseroley Delivery
March 26
9:45 Youth Group / Young Adult Coffee House in Old Fellowship Hall
9:45 Adult Sunday School in New Fellowship Hall
9:45 Pre-school – 5th grade Sunday School in the Nursery Wing
12:12 Providence Youth/Young Adults @ 12:12 Cindy School
Blessings to you and your family,
Rosie Robinson