From the Study...
Dear Friends,
Every year Easter is wonderful, but this year I think it was especially so. We begin the path to Easter on Ash Wednesday when the imposition of the ashes reminds us of our mortality. The Lord’s Days of Lent each carry a theme of the human need for an enduring presence of God. Holy Week begins with the celebration of the Palms, and walking through every day of that week is a step closer to the Cross of Christ. And, if we have faithfully walked those steps, Easter Sunday is the demonstration that God has the last word, even over death. Now what? Eastertide … that’s what.
The measure of the effect of Easter is found in the lives of the faithful after Easter. The disciples were tempted to go back to work. They were fishermen so they went back to their jobs of fishing. All that had happened over the preceding three years had led up to the crucifixion and resurrection. Some of them had even seen Jesus after he had been buried. But he was gone now and all he had left them with was a promise that he would send the Holy Spirit to guide, teach and lead them. They had seen no evidence of that promise fulfilled. So, back to work they went … until Jesus showed himself on the beach that morning and he fed them and he taught them and he blessed them. Life had come back to their spirits because they had seen the risen Lord. Easter really had worked, and they spent the days until Pentecost refreshed in their faith and waiting for the Holy Spirit to meet them.
Eastertide is that period for us. We have seen the glory of God at Easter. The Lord’s Days of Eastertide are the days of learning what to do with that glory. The scriptures talk about Jesus the Good Shepherd and us as the sheep of his flock. They remind us of the courage it may take to follow his lead and the assurance of safety in doing so. They talk about the mission of the church in our community and the need for the church and her people to be busy with it. And they lead up to the same Day of Pentecost which the disciples waited for. God has a lot for us to do in this faith community. Let’s get busy!