The MOC will be having a meeting at 6:30 pm on Monday, December 9 at Eddie Enfinger’s barn.
Read MoreHappy Holidays from PPCDC!
Read MoreWishing all of you a blessed and holy Advent, as we wait for the coming of our Immanuel.
Read MoreJoin Us in Celebrating the Advent Season at Providence Presbyterian!
Read MoreDear Providence Congregation:
November is going to be a busy month as we head into the holidays. We have so much to be grateful for as we have watched the devastation all around us.
Read MoreThe Thank Offering began in 1888 by Eliza Clokey of Springfield Ohio and has been carried forward by Presbyterian Women ever since.
Read MoreChancel Choir, Instrument Group, and Adult Handbell Choir are all rehearsing music for
November and December. You will hear their wonderful music in Worship each week.
Read MoreThe leaves are turning. There is another storm brewing in the gulf and will probably have hit land by the time you are reading this. Autumn came to South Carolina with a ninety-degree day, but we have hope that this is only a reminder that summer is wrapping up.
Read MoreA sub-group of the Session is working to put a slate together for a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). The members of the PNC will need to be approved by the congregation at a Congregational Meeting.
Read MoreBy now many of you are aware that my Mom, Janna Prange Simon, died on September 15th. My sister Karan (Scooter) Bundrick and I have felt so loved for and cared for by our church family and we thank all of you.
Read MoreThe Thank Offering began in 1888 by Eliza Clokey of Springfield Ohio and has been carried forward by Presbyterian Women ever since.
Read MoreThe October meeting for Circle 2 will meet on Thursday, October 10th at 6:30 pm at the home of Debbie Pardue. The address is 283 Mountain Laurel Court in Lexington. We are starting a new bible study and would love for you to join us!
Read MoreAs a reminder, Chancel Choir meets at 5:45pm on Wednesday evenings for rehearsal.
Instrument Group and Adult Handbell Choir meet on Sunday afternoons....
Read MoreHappy Fall Y’all! We are anxiously awaiting the cooler temperature that autumn brings. October is always a fun month!
Read MoreSave the Date for our spooktacular Trunk R Treat: Friday, October 25!
This event is free and open to all CDC families and community members who would like to attend.
Read MoreYour vote is your voice. Make sure it’s heard! Every election shapes our community and our future. No matter who you support, showing up at the polls is a way to make a difference. Take a moment to exercise your right and participate in this important process!
Read MoreI can’t believe summer is about to end and fall will be approaching us shortly. I have been with you for nine months, if you count December, and would like to hear from you how you think things are going.
Read MoreThe process in calling a new pastor has begun. The Session has elected a subcommittee to create a slate for the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC).
We will be soliciting names from the congregation to be considered for serving on the PNC.
Read MoreCircle 2 Kickoff
Circle 2 will have it’s annual kickoff on Thursday September 12. It will be “SCREEN PORCH & SALAD” event and is always well attended. We will be meeting at 6:30 at the home of Joanne Masters.
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