From the Session

October 2024

A sub-group of the Session is working to put a slate together for a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). The members of the PNC will need to be approved by the congregation at a Congregational Meeting. The sub-group has been asking for volunteers to be on the PNC from active, worship attending members representing all facets of the church – choir, men, women, youth. We are hoping to have a PNC of 7-9 members with a minimum of 2 from the session.

Providence is not financially able to afford a full-time pastor with benefits that are required by the PCUSA denomination. If Providence were to offer the Trinity Presbytery’s minimum full-time salary of $43,748, the required benefits would bring the minimum up to $68,156. The minimum salary would not be feasible to live in the West Columbia area, so realistically, a full-time pastor would be upwards of $80-90K or more with benefits.

It is more likely that we would be looking for a part-time or a shared ministry pastor with another congregation. The number of candidates seeking these positions is limited. There likely will be more women candidates than men candidates looking for less than full-time positions. Some scenarios which would provide for a part time candidate are a husband and wife team of clergy and one takes a position at a larger church with benefits. The other may want to serve in a church but a part time position. The clergy may feel called to ministry and teaching, such as a teacher from Lutheran Seminary.

Once the PNC is created, they will be busy working to complete a Ministry Discernment Profile (MDF), a denomination form used to succinctly describe Providence, where we are now and where we hope to be in the future. There are demographic questions, like how many members, average worship attendance, church school attendance, community type, intercultural composition of the congregation, as well as our Mission and Vision statements, and several narrative responses.

And, at the same time, the congregation will begin completing a Mission Study, asking for the congregation’s pulse on the church. These responses will be summarized in the MDF.

The PNC will present the MDF to the presbytery Committee on Ministry (COM) for their seal of approval then it goes to Louisville, the PCUSA home, when it will become part of a ‘matchmaking’ system and potential candidates resumes. Then the process of reading resumes, interviewing, watching videos of candidates begins.

The last PNC that Providence had took twelve months, from beginning to call. Because we are looking within a smaller population of candidates, it will likely take longer. How much longer, we do not know.

Be patient. There will be regular updates. Pray for the PNC and for all candidates.

If you would like to serve or would like to recommend someone for this please submit their name to Susan Fehrer; Joanne Masters; Fred Clas; or Tim Monetti
