Music Notes

December 2024

Our wonderful Providence Musicians will present our Advent/Christmas Music Program on Sunday morning, December 15, at 11 AM worship. Chancel Choir, Adult Handbell Choir, Instrument Group, and readers will participate. Please join us to hear their beautiful and inspiring music of the season.

Wishing all of you a blessed and holy Advent, as we wait for the coming of our Immanuel.

"This Night"

In the quiet of this night, may the Infant Christ shine brightly,

And may angel choirs with golden voices thrill us until we cannot forget:

It's the night of Christ that marks the end of the darkness,

The dawn of our hope is here!

Celebrate the coming of the Baby:

Immanuel our Christ is near!

God's love will never leave us!

In the stillness of this night, may the Light of Christmas enfold us;

May the miracle of love within us fill us until we cannot forget:

It's the night of Christ that marks the end of the darkness,

The dawn of our hope is here!

Celebrate the coming of the Baby:

Immanuel our Christ is near!

God's love will never leave us!

-Donna Hall Martin

for Mama

December 14, 1988


