From the Study

 September 2024

From the Pastor’s Corner

I can’t believe summer is about to end and fall will be approaching us shortly. I have been with you for nine months, if you count December, and would like to hear from you how you think things are going. We have a dynamic Session in place who is looking into a few new possibilities for missions. There were six children in our Sunday time with them during the worship service this past Sunday, and they all seemed to have enjoyed the lesson and snacks from what I heard as they left. The new directory is being put together slowly but surely with all up to date information. New pew cushions have been ordered and we are waiting for the fabric to be delivered and then they will be installed. I think this will brighten the sanctuary and give it a clean fresh look.

It was brought to Session’s attention that we cannot have a live Christmas tree in the Sanctuary unless it is covered in flame retardant which is expensive and somewhat toxic to the environment. The session voted to buy a new artificial tree. The Men of the Church volunteered to take this on as a project. It will be safer, cleaner and as one session member pointed out, it will be better for our beautiful Chrismons as there is always fear that they will fall off and break.

I am looking at doing home communion for our shut ins. If you know of someone who would like to have communion at home, please let me know and an elder and I will go on Sunday afternoon to deliver. We are also looking into having Hawthorne Pharmacy come to the church and give flu shots now that flu season is upon us. We have some other things we are looking at in the background but will save telling you about them until next time.

Please know that I enjoy being your interim pastor but am also excited that a Pastor Nominating Committee is being put in place. Providence is moving forward, one step at a time.

Love and blessings to you all,

Pastor Alice
