Happy April everyone. We made it to Spring and the pollen didn’t take us out. I hope that you and your family are enjoying all the beauty that Spring brings with it.
Read MoreIt is the beginning of March and we are already planning for the PPCDC summer program. Our After School Class has 22 children, and once the 4K children “graduate” in May they, too, will become after schoolers.
Read MoreThis Wednesday begins the Holy season of Lent. Ash Wednesday begins that series of forty days (which excludes Sundays) leading up to the day we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord at Easter.
Read MoreDon’t forget to wish a big ole HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following people this month!
Read MorePlease keep the following Providence members, as well as our family and friends, in your prayers throughout the week.
Read MoreProvidence MOC connects men of all ages to each other, to our community, and to the risen Lord as we grow through study and in service to His kingdom. Please make plans to join your brothers in Christ this month.
Read MoreProvidence Circles connect women of all ages to each other, to our community, and to the risen Lord as we grow through study and in service to His kingdom. Please make plans to join your sisters in Christ this month.
Read MoreIt certainly didn’t take much time for March to get here, did it? There are many things to look forward to this March.
Read MoreThis year, Ash Wednesday is March 2, and Easter Day is Sunday, April 17; Providence Musicians are working now on music for both Lent and Easter seasons.
Read MoreBy this day two years ago we had all heard of this new virus that was emerging. It had been circulating around in the orient and a few cruise ships seemed to have a few cases, but no one knew enough about it to be particularly alarmed.
Read MoreThese days are a season between the greatest Holy Days of the Christian year. Twelve days after Christmas brought us to the Day of Epiphany, which is the day we celebrate the arrival of the Magi in Bethlehem and the revealing of Jesus to all the nations of the world.
Read MoreDon’t forget to wish a big ole HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following people this month!
Read MorePlease keep the following Providence members, as well as our family and friends, in your prayers throughout the week.
Read MoreProvidence Circles connect women of all ages to each other, to our community, and to the risen Lord as we grow through study and in service to His kingdom. Please make plans to join your sisters in Christ this month.
Read MoreJanuary was a very interesting month for PPCDC. Six out of our 8 classrooms were impacted by COVID-19. Teachers, children, and their families have been sick with Covid and unable to attend work or school.
Read MoreProvidence has a spiritual gift of service. Dr. Bragan made mention of it in the past week’s sermon when he talked about 1st Corinthians 12.
Read MoreAs you know, we are in the season of Epiphany. On January 5, I wrote an email to musicians about the next day being Epiphany of the Lord.
Read MoreDon’t forget to wish a big ole HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following people this month!
Read MorePlease keep the following Providence members, as well as our family and friends, in your prayers throughout the week.
Read MoreProvidence Circles connect women of all ages to each other, to our community, and to the risen Lord as we grow through study and in service to His kingdom. Please make plans to join your sisters in Christ this month.
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