From the Study...

Dear Friends,

This Wednesday begins the Holy season of Lent. Ash Wednesday begins that series of forty days (which excludes Sundays) leading up to the day we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord at Easter. Lent is the prelude to something new. It is something God had never done before and will never need to do again. The Easter event is the single event which shows us that there are no barriers between us and God, and that God has bridged that gap through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It seems right for the church to do something new, also.

On Sunday, February 20, the people of Providence Church gathered either on-line or in person to worship God and to hear about the plans the Session has for life in this place. We heard about the growing challenges the church in our culture began facing 40 years ago, which the restrictions of a pandemic have brought to the fore. We talked about a plan to address those challenges and turn them into opportunities to be better living witnesses to the living Christ than we have ever been. Then at lunch after worship on February 27 we heard the Elders describe how those plans will take on life in our faith family and in our community. We have asked you for your comments and suggestions and you have provided them. The presentation and discussion at lunch last Sunday reflect what we heard. Elders and Pastor are all committed to this plan. It is time for all of us to go to work and do this new thing God is calling us to be a part of. God’s word for the Church today is the same as it was centuries ago. Through Isaiah, God said, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!”

This is our Lenten journey this year. Come and let’s walk this road together!

Grace and peace,

