Christian Education
Happy April everyone. We made it to Spring and the pollen didn’t take us out. I hope that you and your family are enjoying all the beauty that Spring brings with it.
I have had the joy of working with and teaching the Confirmation Class. We have studied Presbyterian Polity, explored Worship, learned about Presbyterian Mission, wrote our Statements of Faith, observed a Session Meeting and more. All of this leads up to the young people making their Public Affirmation of Faith on April 12th, Palm Sunday. Please be sure to welcome Avery McCree, Arwyn Simmons, and Jedidiah Johnson into the Providence Church Family and members.
We are getting ready for Holy Week leading up to Resurrection Sunday. I hope you will be able to participate in the activities of the week. I invite you all to attend the Easter Egg Hunt which is hosted by our Youth Group and will take place on April 16th at 9:30am. It is always helpful to have grown-ups that don’t have young children to give a helping hand. The more the merrier. The youth are asking for donations of non-chocolate (non-melting) candies for our Easter Egg Hunt. Donations can be left in the church office.
Blessings to you and your family,
Rosie Robinson
Coffee House Update
Several weeks ago, the members of Providence met after church for a meal and presentation on the goals of Session. One item that was discussed was the use of the Old Fellowship Hall as a meeting space/Coffee house for our young people. Since about the first of the year our youth have met before church in the “Coffee House” for fellowship. They have added a coffee maker with supplies as well as strung some Christmas lights for lighting. Several church leaders have asked the young people for a wish list of items for this space. If you can help with the wish list please be in touch with Dr. Bragan.
Here is that wish list:
-Smart TV
-Foosball Table
-Bluetooth speaker to play music on
-Floor lamps for better lighting
-End tables to go next to couches
-Small fridge for beverages beside coffee
-More Christmas lights
-Bookshelf for reading nook
-Comfy chairs for reading nook