Our Prayer Work

Please keep the following Providence members, as well as our family and friends, in your prayers throughout the week.

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Our Prayer Work

Please keep the following Providence members, as well as our family and friends, in your prayers throughout the week.

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Music Notes

As I mentioned in the September newsletter, after missing about 14 months due to Covid restrictions, Chancel Choir began meeting again in May, since all singers are vaccinated.

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PPC Child Development Center

After a few weeks of feeling somewhat normal, we are back to the reality that PPCDC remains a child development center that is open and providing care for children during a global pandemic.

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From the Study...

The Church of Jesus Christ as we have known it for years is changing. We have had to deal with change before and we have done so successfully.

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From the Study...

Every faith tradition can trace its roots back to some series of events which came together in a certain way at a certain time to give it the beginnings of the life it lives today.

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PPC Child Development Center

Summer is over. The school year has begun. Thankfully, it was 8 weeks of water play, bounce house days, playground fun, movie and popcorn days, swimming at Edenwood, Kid Fit camp, fun crafts, and lots more!

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Men of the Church

Providence MOC connects men of all ages to each other, to our community, and to the risen Lord as we grow through study and in service to His kingdom. Please make plans to join your brothers in Christ this month.

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