Music Notes
As I mentioned in the September newsletter, after missing about 14 months due to Covid restrictions, Chancel Choir began meeting again in May, since all singers are vaccinated. Chancel Choir continues rehearsing on Wednesday evenings (6:15) and leading Sunday morning Worship. Both have been going well, and very soon we will begin working on music for our Advent/Christmas Program, which will be on Sunday morning, December 12.
Adult Handbell Choir will begin rehearsing again on Sunday afternoon, October 12 (4:30), except for Meeting Days. We have not been able to meet as Adult Handbell Choir for a year and a half. I look forward to working with handbells again! All of our ringers are vaccinated also.
My thanks to all of you for your support of our Providence Musicians. If you are interested in being part of our Providence Musician choirs, please let me know.
Happy Autumn, everyone!