From the Study
July 2024
From the Pastor’s Desk
Here we are! The heat of the summer! There are very few special things happening at the church this summer, but we are here, and we have a lot to be thankful for. First of all, we have a new administrative assistant in the office. We are working on her hours because she is taking up some of Debbie’s responsibilities and those of Denise. Denise has sold her home and is moving to Arkansas to be with her daughter and grandchildren.
We have six new elders who are excited to be on Session. We want to thank Cindy Enfinger, Jerry Hicks and Roy Turner for their service as they completed their time on June 30th. Fred Clas, Tim Monetti, Joanne Masters are now the class of 2026 and Sue Fehrer, Wanda McKeever and Devon Wise are serving for the class of 2027. We have done a retreat together and several study sessions and are excited with some ideas for Providence Church. BUT, they are only the Session, there is much work to do to prepare Providence for its next minister and so it takes all of us working together, sharing our ideas and working as teams to make Providence all it can be. When they ask you to serve on their team, please prayerfully consider and say yes. Remember the church is only as good as all its members working together.
If you have been attending Providence and are not a member but would like to become a member, please let me know. I will do a new member class in August for anyone interested.
Please remember our 9:00 AM service this summer. Come to church, worship, pray and celebrate the Lord’s Supper before it gets too hot to be out and about. We would love to have you.
Another reminder, if you would like to be a liturgist on Sunday morning or an usher/greeter, please let me know.
Love and blessings to you all,
Pastor Alice