Christian Education
It is the time of year to brainstorm ideas for our Fall programing at Providence. I am very excited that I will be working closely with Wanda McKeever who recently joined the Session of Providence. She and I have been talking about some new and fun activities that will take place in August and September. If you are interested in being a part of this planning let us know so we can add you to our committee. More details will be forthcoming so keep your eyes open for that information.
Providence honored and celebrated the Class of 2024 graduates, Wyatt Robinson and Knox Robinson, last month. We need to add Dr. Michaela McElveen Edelson to our list of members to congratulate. Dr. Edelson finished her medical school residency in June. Michaela has been a member of the Providence choir as a recipient of the Mary Lou Sease Scholarship since she was a senior in high school.
I would like to begin including news about the members of Providence in my monthly newsletter message. If you have news you would like to be published, please send content to me by email at You never know… I might be calling some of you with interview questions.
I end my message this month with the information that was printed in the bulletin from our Baccalaureate Sunday.
Wyatt Dantzler Robinson
Graduated Cum Laude from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering, Aerodynamics and Propulsion. While at Embry-Riddle Wyatt was a member of the school’s band and served as the equipment manager, and president. He was a test engineer for the Experimental Rocket Propulsion Lab. He was a leader for the Orientation Team and a Mentor in the Emerging Leader program. Since graduation Wyatt has been hired to be a Test Engineer Level 1 at Blue Origin in Van Horn, TX.
Knox Milton Robinson
Graduated from Irmo High School with Honors. While at Irmo Knox was a member of the National Honors Society, the Math Team, played Bass in the Master Orchestra class, and was a drive team member of the Lexington/Richland 5 School District’s FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Team. During Knox’s Junior year the Robotics Team competed at the FIRST International World Competition along with 400 other teams from around the world. This Fall Knox is going to Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina with plans to major in Chemistry.
Blessings to you and your family,
Rosie Robinson