From the Study

 June 2024

From the Pastor’s Desk

Summer is upon us and the beach and/ or mountains are calling. But the work of the Church does not stop. Worship is something we do together from singing and praying to reading and ushering. I hope that some of you will join our faithful team of scripture readers and ushers and volunteer to give them a break by volunteering your gift of voice or your gift of hospitality and volunteer to be a reader or usher. Please let me know if you are willing to serve by calling the office and giving Denise your name and contact information.

We will be doing new elder training for our elders who have answered the call to serve on Wednesday evenings during the month of June. We hope to have their ordination and installation on June 30th.

We will recognize our graduates on June 9th. Shout out to the Robinsons for having their oldest, Wyatt, graduate from college and their youngest, Knox, graduate from high school. What a time of celebration! Wyatt, we wish you all the best on your new job.

June 16th is Father’s Day, and we will recognize all our fathers and father figures that day. In the meantime, have a wonderful summer full of fun and making memories with friends and family.

Love and blessings to you all,

Pastor Alice
