Music Notes
July Notes
Dear friends,
The week of June 16-21 was the Worship and Music Conference in Montreat, NC. I was so glad and grateful to be there in person after 4 years of doing the conference virtually. As I mentioned to you before, there was no in-person conference in 2020 and 2021 because of .Covid, and in 022 and 2023, there were many restrictions. While I was thankful to have the virtual weeks available, it was very wonderful to be there again this year.
The choirs, Worship, and classes were exceptional. The adult choir had about 250 singers: it was thrilling to hear them and to sing with them. The leaders of the choir and classes were really good too.
I look forward to sharing with you some of the music from the conference. I appreciate your support of my attending this amazing event.
I hope that you are enjoying your summer. Be safe; I’ll see you in church.