Music Notes

Our Providence Musicians (including Chancel Choir, Adult Handbell Choir, and instrumentalists) are all busy working on music for Worship for the coming months. The weeks of October through December include the following seasonal Worship services:

Nov. 6 All Saints’ Sunday

Nov. 20 Christ the King Sunday

Nov. 27 1st Sunday of Advent

Dec. 11 Advent/Christmas Program

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services

(This year, Christmas Day is on a Sunday.)

Watch for announcements about these and other happenings.

As we think of autumn and the seasons of Advent and Christmas here at Providence, we envision beautiful Worship, happy fellowship, special events and gatherings, and just being together in the Holy Place. I hope that you will plan to be here for everything.

If you are interested in being part of Providence Musicians, please join us.


