Experience the joy of the season — and all the anticipation it brings — through the loving gifts offered by our talented Providence musicians.
John came bursting out of the wilderness proclaiming that all was about to change: that we would be shown a permanent path out of the injustices of the world. God did that for us with the coming of his Son, but it’s up to us to help straighten those paths every day.
Join us as we greet the first Sunday in Advent with readings, music and prayer while celebrating the annual hanging of the greens.
Today, we reflect on the life of Christ and celebrate His Sovereignty over the world in music, prayer and communion. It’s the last step as we look prepare for the Advent Season.
On this day, we are reminded that creation begins and ends with God. Those saints who have gone before us know this fully, while we here on earth know this only in part. There is something better yet to come, and God will have the last word.
God sees the past, present and future in one panoramic view. It is a great comfort to know this is the nature of the God we worship. That is something to sing about night and day, and forever.
Every day promises a new beginning. We can choose to expect failure or success, and our actions will mirror that. Imagine what would happen if we prayed this prayer every night: Father, I want to thank you for tomorrow.
Job worshipped a big very God, one who is stronger than anything that may harm us and whose love is even greater. God never leaves our side during times of trouble, and without that knowledge, our faith is incomplete.
There is a prayer behind every prayer that tells us God is not the great fixer of things gone wrong, but the one who is present to comfort us in those times. “The voice that speaks from the hurricane is not always safe, but it is always good.”
We Christians all too often become self-confident as opposed to Christ confident. It’s why God means for us to live in community with each other as the body of Christ; for none of us is complete without the other.