Look back and see all the times God sowed good seed on the good ground of our souls, and from that small beginning came a generous harvest that still leaves you amazed.
Five loaves and two fish go a long way when God gets involved. Learn more about our new food ministry here at Providence.
A basic belief in God bound the signers of the Declaration of Indepence to gather, and a basic belief in God is central to who we are as a nation.
When we pray the “help me” prayer, we need to look at all of our life, even when we are in the challenges of the moment. It’s from that perspective that we can see God moving all about. giving far more blessings than we’ve asked for.
There’s a journey we must all make so we can go through the storms of life and still navigate our way through it. Christ asks us to look deep within our faith to do that; for faith gives birth to trust in Christ’s presence within us, which brings peace.
The parables tell us — and we know from the garden — that a seed placed in the soil will grow. As we wonder what we can do to bring the Kingdom of God closer at hand, we can come to the table, take it in and make the bread and cup part of who we are. Let us become the vessel of Christ’s growing kingdom on earth as go on about the busines of life in God’s world.
God isn’t as interested in the sin as he is in replacing with his grace what lies in the depth of our souls that causes us to carry out those thoughts and actions. Confession allows us to set aside those things deep within us that stand between us and God. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven, and God is at immediately at peace with us.
On this Trinity Sunday, we are reminded just how big God is and how he invited Nicodemus to step out into His light. As God has led us from the shadow of the pandemic, let us celebrate this truth and accept this same invitation from Him.
Pentecost marks the occasion on which the baton of faith was passed from Jesus to God. It represented a change in the season of faith for followers of Christ. Likewise, we wish our graduates well as they embrace a new season of their lives and encourage them to call on their faith as they move forward.
Christian community is the heart of who we are as a church. Now is the time for us to reach out to those who have been seeking answers during these trying times and connect them to the vine of Christ. In doing so, we can bear more fruit and achieve more than we could dare ask or imagine.