What’s more important? To be right or to be loving? We can model for the world the kind of behavior that blurs the lines that divide us and lifts up our oneness in Jesus Christ. It’s called brother keeping. And sister keeping.
The Kingdom of God is already here and is widening all the time. Each one of us has a part to play in it, and we must be ready to follow the call to serve in an ever-changing, impermanent world.
The word of God to you and to me is always a call to speak the truth. Sometimes that truth can be confrontational to those who will not hear it . Just ask Samuel.
Jesus spent his earthly life turning things upside down, showing God’s children there is a better way and inviting them to follow in that way, if only we will choose to do so. His love is stronger than anything in the chaos that surrounds us.
We can let the good news and joy of Christmas fill our lives with a sense of wonder we can take away with us, giving us a new purpose and direction. Let the wonder of his birth transform you.
Figure out what the peaceful birth of Christ has left with you amidst these days of bewilderment, confusion and pandemic. Hold onto it, and treasure it in your heart. That’s what Mary did, and it’s what we all need to do; to take it into a new and much better year ahead.
God came down to live with you and me. The “yes” that Mary said to God is the same yes you and I say when we let faith speak louder than reason; when we let hope silence logic.
Not to be held back or limited by a mere global pandemic, the choirs of our church and their director have assembled an offering of worship through music in celebration of the Advent season.
We really don’t want the struggle of what Advent is all about; we want the journey through the valleys and over the mountains and to be easy, or for someone else to do it. But then comes a man down the road who tells us why we need for God to be born again to us.
May the first Sunday of Advent for each of us be the beginning of a new preparation for the peace, wonder and grace of the Christ to come and live among us and within us. And may He be the one who speaks through us, to each other.