From the Study
August 2024
From the Pastor’s Corner
I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer and have been able to stay cool. We are getting ready to begin a few new things at Providence and I wanted to let everyone know. Do you all remember when summer ran through August, and we didn’t start back to school until September? Well, kids go back to school this year August 7th, so we want to have a blessing of back packs for children heading back to school and a recognition of our CDC teachers August 4th during our 11:00 am service.
We will have a photographer taking pictures for a new church directory and would love everyone to be here on the 4th or the 11th to have your picture taken for the new directory with your best Sunday smile. We will gather your information, address, phone numbers and e-mail addresses to make sure we have everything correct.
On the fourth we will begin having a nursery during the 11:00 service for parents who want to place their children during the service. There will always be two people in the nursery with at least one adult. The nursery is for infants through two years of age.
We will have church school for all other children if they are interested in leaving the sanctuary.
I will do a new members class on August 11 during the Sunday School hour. If you are interested in making Providence Presbyterian Church your church family we would love to meet with you and answer any questions you may have and discuss a little about Providence Church with you.
Love and blessings to you all,
Pastor Alice