From the Session

Providence is about to undergo another transition. The last one was 33 years ago. We became stronger then and we will be strong once again. Providence is about to undergo another transition. The last one was 33 years ago. We became stronger then and we will be strong once again.

As the governing body of the church, the Session is made of men and women from the congregation. Many have wondered about the reduction in the size of the Session. Well, the size had to be reduced because when asked to serve, many said no, whether they had served in the past or not. There is a lot of wisdom in our pews and it is hoped that when asked, you would consider serving.

Session meets monthly when ministry reports are presented and voted upon. The clerk and treasurer also give their most current reports.

The church roll has recently been reviewed and reduced to 103. Some may remember when the membership was 250. We truly believe that we can attain that number again but it depends on each and every one of us.

Providence had an Interim Pastor Search Committee in December working to secure someone to be in the pulpit until the Pastor Nominating Committee is in place. Providence is blessed to have chosen the Rev. Alice O’Dell as our Interim Pastor.

Please do your part and support her by coming and listening to their message every Sunday. Remember, the church exists because of you in the pew.

God Bless you and God bless Providence Presbyterian Church.

Alice Wyatt

Clerk of Session
