Music Notes
June, 2024
Dear Friends,
As I mentioned last month, our Providence Musician rehearsal schedule is different for the summer months. Chancel Choir will meet 3 times in June for Wednesday rehearsals; then, we will not meet on a regular basis during the summer months. Schools in this district start back August 7.
This year, I am, happily, planning to attend the Montreat, NC, in person. I have not been to the conference in person since before Covid; the last time was 2019. The conference was offered only virtually in 2020 and 2021; in 2022 and 2023, there were several restrictions for attending in person. I participated virtually during those years. I have registered for Week One which is June 16-21. The title is “Lead Us Homeward”, and I look forward to telling you all about the week when I get back.
Thanks to all of you for your support of our Providence Musicians.
Have a happy summer.