Christian Education
February 2025
February is upon us already. As I sit to write my monthly message a couple of exciting things come to mind.
So here we go….
First off, Providence will be participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring again this year on February 9th. As we are gearing up to watch Super Bowl LIX between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles, let us take some time remembering those who are less fortunate than us who suffer from HUNGER. Over the past 35 years this initiative has raised over $198 million in food and funds. Bring a canned good and a few dollars to church with you on February 9th and let us see how Providence can do our part to tackle hunger in West Columbia.
Secondly, we have a new Adult Sunday School that is meeting in the church parlor each Sunday at 9:45. This class is for those who are on the younger end of the age spectrum for our congregation, however all ages are welcome. The class will be studying Mark Pinsky’s The Gospel According to Disney – Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust. One book review states the following“Pinsky provides a thorough yet captivating read for anyone who has ever wondered about the spiritual side of the Disney phenomenon.” We can’t wait to dive into the Disney classics young and old.
Thirdly, and maybe the most exciting update. Children’s Church during the 11:00 worship service is growing. We have had at least 5 children consistently for several months. This is where we need your help. There is a need for a second adult to assist Wanda McKeever each Sunday. It is important for liability and accountability for us to have two adults over the age of 18 in the Children’s Church space each Sunday. No need to teach the lesson, just be willing to spend some quality time with our delightful children. Let the church office, Rosie Robinson, Wanda McKeever, or Alice Odell know which Sundays you can serve.
Blessing to you and yours,
Rosie Robinson