Christian Education

December 2023

 I want to let you all know how proud I am of Providence Presbyterian.  Providence really does remind me of the “Little Engine That Could”, more like the Little Church That Could.  Many churches our size that have a major change in leadership tend to go dormant for a period of time, sort of like going into mourning.  I would say that isn’t the case for Providence.  We are thriving. 

The members of Providence and the families of the CDC contributed 22 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child in November.  This past week we collected over 40 new toys for Toys for Tots.  This is the most we have contributed to these two service projects ever.  The collection basket for the socks and soup ministry was close to overflowing this past Sunday.  Just this past weekend we hosted our annual PJs with Santa event.  The Fellowship was full of children from the community, children from our CDC, and many church members volunteering.  When there is a need Providence is always there.

We do find ourselves at a point where our “Little Church That Could” needs to climb a challenging hill.  We need to tackle two tremendous expenses, the plumbing repair, and the replacement of one of our heating and cooling units.  I know that we can all collectively tackle this by contributing extra funds to these needs.  Please indicate “Facilities” when you make your gift to the church. 

By the end of this month, we will have celebrated Advent, Sundays full of Hope, Love, Peace, and Joy.  I hope that we call can take the Hope, Love, Peace, and Joy with us into the New Year as we continue to be the “Little Church That Could” by doing great things for the glory of God.      

Blessings to you and your family,

Rosie Robinson  
