The Pastor's Corner
March 2025
Here it is March already and as I write this it is 73 degrees outside. The sun is shining and I’m thinking that it just might be time to plant flowers for my hummingbirds as they will be arriving at the end of the month.
It is also the beginning of Lent, a time of reflection of grief, disappointments, the messes we can’t untangle, and the hurts we have endured over the last year. We reflect on who Christ is in our lives and where we fit into the life Christ has given us. We must pass through forty days of looking inward to ask who are we and then face the humiliation and pain of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday before we can enjoy the jubilation and triumph of Easter morning. Yes, Lent is a soul-searching time to ask have we lived up to all we can be as living examples of the Christ who gave his life for each of us. Are we light out of the darkness? We will have a Lenten Study at 5:30 each Wednesday in the library for those who are interested.
This is also my last Pastor’s Corner as my last Sunday will be March 30th. I enjoyed my time here at Providence and enjoyed getting to know most of you. I have come to feel very comfortable with you and have a great love for you as a congregation. My prayers go with each of you, and I will be watching to see what plans God has for Providence Presbyterian Church of West Columbia.
Love and blessings,
Pastor Alice