From the Study

January 2025

It has been an interesting year for me as I came out of retirement to be your interim pastor. I have enjoyed getting to know you, saying goodbye to a few of you, and making a few subtle changes here and there. Being a pastor is just like any other position, one has to get to know the territory and folks like Debbie and Donna and Kyle have been a huge help in helping me navigate. I love the CDC and they have a terrific staff and amazing children. This is a wonderful ministry of Providence Church.

Putting Covid behind us, we hosted a Thanksgiving Community Service once again and it was enjoyed by four churches coming together to worship and give thanks for all our many blessings. Our offering helped God’s Helping Hands provide for families in need. God is so wonderful.

The Advent and Christmas Seasons were amazing. The music was fantastic every Sunday. Thank you choir, musicians, bells and Donna. The living Nativity was a delight. Thank you Rosie and Wanda and all children who participated. Thank you to all who decorated the sanctuary for the Season and thank you to the men of the church for purchasing and setting up the beautiful tree.

Holy Casseroley is an awesome ministry that brings a nutritious meal and a lot of love to a few needy folks who are otherwise overlooked. Betty, thank you for the loaves of Pear Bread you made for each recipient of a casserole. The word is they love it and are very grateful. Thank you to all of you who faithfully provide casseroles every month.

Thank you, Wanda and your helpers, for providing a Sunday School environment for our children during the worship hour. The kids seem to love it and always leave with smiles on their faces.

Thank you to you, members of this congregation for all you do, from teaching Sunday School to doing basic maintenance on the building and grounds, to looking after the shut-ins in our midst. Thank you for your support, your generosity at Christmas for the staff, and for your caring for one another throughout the year. May we continue to do the work God has called us to do, sharing the good news of Jesus the Messiah by our faithfulness to him.

Our Session has a lot of good ideas that we are pursuing so stayed tuned for 2025. Your Pastor Nominating Committee is hard at work. Keep praying for them.


Love and blessings to you all,

Pastor Alice
