Music Notes

I want to express my gratitude to our wonderful Providence Musicians for your beautiful and inspiring music during the Advent and Christmas seasons, as well as throughout the year. Thank you to members of Chancel Choir, members of Adult Handbell Choir, and instrumentalists. It has been so good to be back together as choirs these last few months, after having to miss more than 14 months. Thank you to all musicians for your time, talent, and dedication, and for the attention and joyful spirit that you bring to our music work and worship leadership. Your music enhances our worship every week, and each of you is greatly valued.

Thank you, Debbie, for inviting us to your beautiful home for a musician Christmas party. It was a happy and fun time, filled with good food, music, friendship, and Christmas spirit. We all appreciate your gracious welcome and arrangements for us.

I’ll see you for rehearsals again in January. Watch the bulletins and emails for details. We welcome new musicians at any time during the year. If you have any questions about joining our Providence music ministry, please ask me.

I look forward to spending the coming year with you. I am blessed to be with you, and I appreciate your support of our music work here at Providence.

Best wishes for a joyful 2022.


