Outreach & Missions: Holy Casseroley

Holy Casseroley is Here!

Holy Casseroley got off to a great start on Sunday, July 15. The freezer was full of homemade casseroles, but hearts were fuller as we delivered meals to 15 people over the course of our launch weekend. So many thanks go to all those who helped by making casseroles, delivering them, and helping to spread the word about this program.

Our next Sunday delivery day is August 15, and we need your help! We need to restock the freezer with the casseroles in both sizes (especially the 8 x 8 size). So please let the folks on the team listed below know if you are willing to make one or more casseroles that can be delivered on our next Holy Casseroley delivery day on Sunday, August 15. The pans, recipes and casserole labels are in the church narthex to make it as easy as pie!

People outside of our congregation are already asking if they can help by making casseroles, so feel free to invite any friends of yours to participate, as well. This is the whole point of the program: for Providence to be His hands and feet in the world through the act of community building. If you know of anyone who’d like to help, just have them email any one of the team members listed here and they can get them the information and instructions they need. 

Thanks again to all who made the launch of this new mission happen!

In His Service,

Cindy Enfinger - cinsmith1105@gmail.com

Susan Turner - set2747@outlook.com

Joanne Masters  - bmasters100@gmail.com

Teresa Coles - teresa@riggspartners.com
