Christian Education

Coffee Fellowship Time Begins Again!

Join us Sunday mornings for a “cup of joe and refreshments” from 10:15-10:45 each Sunday starting September 11, 2022.  We are asking members of the church to sign up to provide the refreshments for each Sunday.  Look for a signup sheet near the coffee pot located across from the restrooms.

Girl Scout Troop 1279 News!

Congratulations to Morgan Swygert and Laken Robinson, members of Providence and Ambassadors Scouts in Troop 1279.  Morgan and Laken have both completed the work and have meet the Girl Scout Council requirements to receive the Girl Scout Gold Award.  Seniors and Ambassadors earn the Gold Award—the highest award in Girl Scouting—by developing and carrying out lasting solutions to issues in their neighborhoods and beyond.  Laken created a project called W.A.V.E.S. (Women’s Accessibility to Vaginal Essential Supplies) to ensure that every student in Lexington-Richland School District Five has access to an array of menstrual hygiene products. Starting with the 2022-2023 school year, there will be menstrual hygiene kits in the nurse's office at the Crossroads and Chapin Intermediate Schools in addition to Irmo Middle School. Part of the project was to educate the community about period poverty.  Morgan created a project about fire safety and fire awareness, though education recycling and community involvement.  She will be getting a resolution from the city of West Columbia on September 6th. 


CE Corner

A handful of weeks ago I was brainstorming with Kyle McCree on some programing ideas for the Fall.  I mentioned that I would like to have Providence’s Program Year Kick Off on September 11th.   Kyle reminded me that was also the date for Grandparents Day.  I thanked Kyle for reminding me of the date.  Grandparents Day makes me think of an English Professor I had at Presbyterian College, Dr. Dean Thompson.  Dr. Thompson’s first assignment each year was to have his students send their grandparent a card for grandparent’s day.  If you didn’t have a grandparent living any longer, he suggested his students adopt one for the assignment.  I took Dr. Thompson’s English course my sophomore year and I remember that first assignment, I sent my grandmother a card that September.  Grandma Simon passed away that November and I am still thankful for Dr. Thompson’s grandparents day assignment.

Many of you might not know the history of Grandparents Day so I thought I would do some research on the subject.   National Grandparents Day came to be because of Jacob Reingold and Marian McQuade.  Beginning in 1961 with the work of Jacob Reingold in New York.   Jacob wanted to acknowledge the important role of grandparents.  In 1963 grandparents day became an official holiday for the borough of the Bronx in 1963.  In West Virginia Marina McQuade was actively working on a special recognition for grandparents day.  In 1973 the first Grandparents Day in West Virginia was celebrated.  With the combined work of Jacob Reingold and Marian McQuade the US Congress passed legislation in 1978 making the first Sunday after Labor Day National Grandparents Day.  President Jimmy Carter signed the presidential proclamation. 

This September 11, 2022, those in attendance will be made honorary grandparents (regardless of age) for the Providence Child Development Center.  This will also be the first CDC Sunday for the year when we encourage the CDC families to worship and fellowship with the members of Providence.  We will have a blessing of book bags, diaper bags, lunch boxes, teacher bags, brief cases for all children/students/adults in attendance.   Along with the blessings of the bags we will commission the staff of the CDC and the church members who will be volunteer leaders for this program year.  We will conclude the morning together with lunch in the Fellowship Hall.  Please look for instruction on how to RSVP for lunch further in this newsletter as well as bulletin announcements. 

Blessings to you and your family,

Rosie Robinson
