Christian Education
Providence Youth Go to Montreat!
The week of June 12-18 Knox Robinson, Laken Robinson, David Lyle, Jon Simmons, Arwyn Simmons, Karan Bundrick and Rosie Robinson attended the Youth Montreat Conference in Montreat, NC. Many thanks to the members of Providence who helped fund the housing for this great experience.
Montreat Youth Conference this year was absolutely incredible to say the least. Coming out of our 3 year break that we had to take from attending due to the pandemic, it was like we picked up exactly where we left off. The theme this year was “More Than Enough” and we explored this topic through many different stories and themes that are present in the Bible. Everyday we were reminded that with God and Jesus Christ on our side that we are more than enough. Through everything that life throws at us like gun violence, a lack of support for the LGBTQIA+ and other minority communities, poverty, hunger, sickness, and so much more, we are reminded that God is walking through the battle with us and giving us the strength to spread his message. We are constantly encouraged to show others of their “enoughness” while also not giving up on our selves. Throughout the week we were able to have thought provoking and deep conversations in our small and connecting groups about the world that we live in. We pondered how we are actively spreading the love and acceptance of Christ as Christians in today’s world, as well as what changes we need to/can make to continue to spread his love in our at home life. While I am sad that it was my last youth conference that I was able to attend, I will continue to take all the lessons that I learned into my adult life going forward. – Laken Robinson